When it comes to food, we are often deceived by our own hormonal reactions. This is what we mean, say you go to the grocery store with the intention of stocking up on healthy ingredients, but you are faced with the display of your favorite unhealthy treat right as you walk in the door. Right at that moment, dopamine rushes your body and you experience all the symptoms of a strong craving for that very treat. Do not be deceived, this is your body reacting simply to an instinct and there is nothing logical about it; it is indeed only an emotion. From your body’s point of view, you are enjoying that food before you even touch it. The way to move past these deceptions is to be prepared for situations where you might encounter temptations. Here is a trick to help you. The part of our brain that registers disgust or unpleasantness also produces hormones that counteract dopamine. Your thoughts can control the outcome. When you are tempted, you might focus on how over priced that treat is or how it might add to your waistline. The key is to associate something that causes you to feel disgust to that unhealthy food. When grocery shopping eat a healthy meal or snack before you go to the store. Shop only with a list of items you need and stick to the list. You might set a budget before you even step out to go to the store. When you attend parties or social events, you brain goes through the same process of deceiving you into feeling the pleasure of eating something that is not good for you. Again, attach a feeling of disgust to anything you know is unhealthy and watch the cravings dissipate. Steer your conversations away from the subject of food; saying things like, “I know that tastes so good, but I cannot have it.”, is actually counter productive. In this case you are giving up your control to the dopamine. Before you attend an event, eat a healthy meal or drink a large green smoothie. Make a mental note of the things you will eat and stick to your decisions. Share your goals with someone you trust at the event and have them hold you accountable for what you eat. For a free 20-minute phone consultation email us at [email protected]. Send us your name, phone number where you can be reached and a choice of time for your consultation: Wednesday 2:00 PM PST or Saturday 8:00 am PST or specify another time in your email. You will receive a confirmation email to set your appointment.
Yes, we are serious about this AND we knew you might not believe us, which is why we are including pictures of what our kids eat for breakfast. After many years of starting the day with a fruit smoothie, we needed a change. We found that greens in the morning give us more energy and make us feel more satisfied. We experimented with green smoothies and we added Vitamineral Greens as an extra boost, but my wife felt like she needed something to chew on, so she just made herself a salad one day to compliment the smoothie and this is what she has for breakfast on most mornings. So how did we convince our kids to have salads for breakfast? We knew you'd ask. We simply model the behavior. When they see us eating salads, they want to try. We also have extensive conversations about how different foods affect their bodies. We give them choices, but we inform them of the consequence of each choice. Our daughter is still drinking fruit smoothies and having salads in the afternoon, but the rest of us start our days with GREENS! No Fees Unless Successful.For a free 10-minute phone consultation email us at [email protected]. Send us your name, phone number where you can be reached and a choice of time for your consultation: Wednesday 2:00 PM PST or Saturday 8:00 Am PST or specify another time in your email. You will receive a confirmation email to set your appointment. or call 818-831-0100 First thing to understand about car accident injury is that it can be a daunting experience that may drastically change your life very quickly. An auto accident may cause debilitating physical injuries, emotional suffering and excessive property damage. A serious auto accident injury or personal injury that prevents you from going to your job (or that limits the time you can work) may also be financially overwhelming. Even a car accident that occurs at a low speed, or that doesn't result in much damage to your car, may cause physical injuries to you or your passengers. If you or your family have been involved in a car accident, it’s very important to take steps to protect and defend your legal rights, before it’s too late. If you have recently been hurt in a motor vehicle accident, seek urgent care or hospital care immediately. Step two - once you know that you are not in any immediate danger you must immediately go to a good and competent chiropractor to get checked. Step three - it is very important that you keep copy all medical records from all practitioners who have examined you in one file. Step four - get a good auto accident lawyer that can help you find peace of mind. For a good auto accident lawyer you should look for the following:
Watch the video at the bottom of this post for a more detailed explanation of what you should expect from a reputable lawyer. For a free 20-minute phone consultation email us at [email protected]. Send us your name, phone number where you can be reached and a choice of time for your consultation: Wednesday 2:00 PM PST or Saturday 8:00 am PST or specify another time in your email. You will receive a confirmation email to set your appointment. Clear Skin The skin is the largest eliminatory organ of the body. This means that some toxicity is released through the skin. The majority of skin conditions are the skin’s attempt at getting rid of toxicity and inflammation. The solution to skin problems is not to suppress them, but to support the skin through a detox to eliminate the cause of the problem rather than just masking the symptoms. 80% of the water we consume is absorbed through the large intestine. When the large intestine is cleansed, the result is better water absorption. During a detox, a person will increase hydration beyond normal levels which also benefits kidney function resulting in better hydrated skin. When a person is detoxing, the body will eliminate toxicity through the skin, so it’s possible that temporary rashes and blemishes will appear, however as the body goes through the cleansing process those symptoms will disappear. If you experience these symptoms do not be alarmed, it is part of the process. For a free 20-minute phone consultation email us at [email protected]. Send us your name, phone number where you can be reached and a choice of time for your consultation: Wednesday 2:00 PM PST or Saturday 8:00 am PST or specify another time in your email. You will receive a confirmation email to set your appointment. Most of our society is used to blaming our problems on our genetic make up, parents, or a system, especially when it comes to health. The purpose of this post is to shift responsibility to and empower the individual in order for the individual to gain control of their health. If the cause of your health problems was shifted to an outside influence then the solution would be outside of your self. However, by you taking responsibility for your health, you are taking control over the cause of illness and the solution to it. Taking responsibility does not mean blaming self or inflicting guilt on self for a current health condition, it means taking action towards wellness. One system of healthcare dictates that we must wait for illness to occur and for symptoms to appear in order to address health, meaning when the sickness occurs your doctor will get you to agree to do whatever it takes to get rid of it; but, the solution could be harmful, yet you make a decision that the benefit of the treatment outweighs the harmful side effects of that same treatment. We call this Sick Care. Let’s take a simple example of treating an infection. You go to a doctor, the doctor prescribes an antibiotic. If you are informed, you know that antibiotics will kill good bacteria as well as bad bacteria in your large intestine. Also, repeated use of antibiotics will make bacteria immune to antibiotics. Doctors call these superbugs. However, at the moment, the benefit of the antibiotic is to kill the infection and you disregard the harmful side effects until you get another infection. Another example could be appendicitis. In this case, the doctor might advise you to take your appendix out, knowing that the appendix produces T-helper cells, which are an important part of your immune system. You might be warned that unless the appendix is taken out, the infection could spread and you could die. So a doctor might strongly suggest that the benefit of taking out your appendix will outweigh the harm. There are many examples of sick care that we can give you and unfortunately there is an abundance of them, but most of our illnesses are due to our lifestyles. Even the medical community recognizes that, so they have come up with a model of healthcare that encompasses detection and prevention. We call this Prevention Care. An example of that is breast cancer. The medical community places an emphasis on mammograms and yearly check ups. The logic behind that is that the earlier the illness is detected and diagnosed, the better chance of survival a patient will have. The purpose of this post is to introduce Wellness Care. Wellness Care means to be proactive about our health. In Wellness Care, we are not running away from disease or solely preventing disease, we are running towards optimal health. In this model of healthcare, we are not waiting for disease to occur in order to detect it early. This model puts you, the individual, completely in control. We have been led to believe that we are not in charge of our health. We have been taught that our doctors are in charge of our health and this is why we pay our insurance companies and our physicians. But the reality is that YOU are the only one in charge. Do you know anyone whose family cares more about their health than they care about themselves? People like that exist. The fact that you are reading this blog is a sign that you are interested in taking charge and taking control of your health. Congratulations! Wellness Care starts with lifestyle. It has more to do with knowledge of your physiology, psychology, emotional health, higher body functions and nutrition than anything else. Once you know how to invest in your future self and how to improve your health then you have begun Wellness Care. By improving health I mean that tomorrow you can be healthier than today. One important question you want to ask your self is this. If I behave exactly the same way for the next five years as I have in the last five years, what will my health be like? Here is a bit of insight, by knowing more about your physiology, psychology, emotional health and higher body functions you will find yourself having different beliefs and convictions about your health. Therefore, you will make different decisions based on new knowledge. By making different decisions, you will take different actions. If your knowledge stays the same as it has been for the last five years, chances are you will have the same beliefs, you will make the same decisions and will get the same results. When you read future posts and you experience the amount of control you can have over your health, you will change your beliefs about many aspects of your health. Your decisions will be different. We present this blog to help you learn how to create different conditions in your life and take different actions. For a free 20-minute phone consultation email us at [email protected]. Send us your name, phone number where you can be reached and a choice of time for your consultation: Wednesday 2:00 PM PST or Saturday 8:00 am PST or specify another time in your email. You will receive a confirmation email to set your appointment Most of our emotions are the result of chemical reaction in our brain, usually controlled by our hormones. A cleansing detox will balance the hormonal system by removing the burden of toxicity from the liver and kidneys. 70% of toxicity that they liver eliminates are produced by our own body. For example, when we go to sleep, our body produces hormones that tightens our joints, semi-paralyzes our muscles and affect our brain activity to keep it in sleep mode. When we wake up, our body produces a different hormone to relax the joints, activate the muscles and wake up the brain. After waking up it is the liver’s job to immediately detoxify the body from the group of “sleep” hormones. People whose hormonal system is toxic or out of balance, may not properly produce these “sleep” hormones so they tend to sleep-walk or act on their dreams while sleeping. A detox cleanses the liver of toxicity overload and as result; it can properly do its job. Also, the health of our brain and our emotions has to do with good circulation and oxygen supply to our brain. One of the benefits of a cleansing detox is better circulation. In this book we will also teach you how to breathe to enhance your detox. This breathing technique alone can improve your mood and increase your alertness. For a free 20-minute phone consultation email us at [email protected]. Send us your name, phone number where you can be reached and a choice of time for your consultation: Wednesday 2:00 am PST or Saturday 8:00 am PST or specify another time in your email. You will receive a confirmation email to set your appointment. Whenever we decide for any plan, to do or not to do; we will be always perfect in the future. The decision in distant future psychologically does not affect us in the present. Therefore when decisions for future are always will be perfect. One study about eating chocolate showed people prefer to have immediate gratification rather than wait to receive a greater return in the future. When we make decisions the decisions should be based on pain and pleasure of present and future conditions. It’s important that we ask ourselves the right questions is this something am I willing to do now? Is there something I am willing to do now to reach my goal? If the answer is no then most likely that decision is not going to happen. Also, we want make sure that the consequences of our decisions should be real in time. One extreme example of this if of a man who was determined to get up early in the morning so he purchased an alarm clock that would connect to his bank account and if he did not get up at the set time, his alarm clock would alert the bank account and the bank would automatically draft money out of his account and give it to the man’s least favorite charity organization. For a free 20-minute phone consultation email us at [email protected]. Send us your name, phone number where you can be reached and a choice of time for your consultation: Wednesday 2:00 PM PST or Saturday 8:00 am PST or specify another time in your email. You will receive a confirmation email to set your appointment Meditation Meditation is one of the best tools we can use. If you think you cannot meditate, think about the following: Every time you worry, you are meditating, but on the negative. You think of negative outcomes or you imagine something bad happening over and over again. So if you have ever worried, you have meditated. The key to meditation is to focus on the positive aspects of your decision. For 5-10 minutes per day or immediately after having made a decision, focus on the positive aspects of your decision. You can use this time to use all your five senses to create a compelling picture of your desired result, see it, hear it, feel it, smell it, and taste it. If you have trouble meditating on your desired result, it may be because it is not clear yet. Go back and make your desired result more real by making it measurable, giving it a date of delivery, imagining what you will feel like when you have achieved it or who will be with you when you … There was a study done on a basketball team. The team was divided in half. One half was asked to practice to improve their skills and the other was asked to meditate on their practice. The study showed that the half of the team that meditated performed as well as the half that practiced. For a free 20-minute phone consultation email us at [email protected]. Send us your name, phone number where you can be reached and a choice of time for your consultation: Wednesday 2:00 am PST or Saturday 8:00 am PST or specify another time in your email. You will receive a confirmation email to set your appointment. One Thing I Have Never Told You About My Mother By Ruth Shamaeizadeh Benefits of Detoxifying the Body I’d like to share with you a personal and very emotional experience that showed me, first hand, the benefits of detoxifying the body. When my mother came to live with me after my parents divorced, she was highly toxic and in great pain. By then she had been suffering from the effects of arthritis for almost 20 years. The pain in her hands, back, hips and knees was so bad that she couldn't even bend to lift a small cushion off the couch without pain. The pain impaired her from doing simple things like picking up a glass of water, using scissors or opening faucets. She was taking 1000 mg of pain killers a day just to get by. As I saw my mom go about her days disabled by the pain, I was saddened that she found no relief in pain medication and I was determined to find a way for her to have a better quality of life. When I approached my mom with the idea that she could be cured by detoxifying her body and changing her eating habits, she was open to it. However, when I mentioned to her that doctors don’t have the answers to everything, she was shocked and almost offended. My mom was told by her doctors that she would have to take medication and pain killers for the rest of her life; that there was no cure for arthritis. She believed this because she was raised believing that doctors have the cure for all disease and then raised my sister and me to believe the same. But after 20 years of pain without a true cure for her arthritis, she was ready for a change. A friend of mine, who also suffered from arthritis, recommended that we implement the detox in Paavlo Aiola’s book, There is a Cure for Arthritis. My friend had done the same detox program and after seeing for my self the results she got, I was convinced that this would cure my mom. We immediately got to work on learning how to detox. We read Dr. Aiola’s book and we came up with a plan that would suit my mom’s needs. We also researched many kinds of supplements and herbal remedies that would assist in the detox process and would also help support her suffering joints. For the first four months of the detox, I joined my mom on her journey. I ate what she ate and took some of the same supplements she took. I noticed an increase in our levels of energy and we were both sleeping better. During the time of her detox, which was about a year’s time, I watched my mom transform into a completely different person. Because her body was getting rid of toxicity, she had greater mental clarity and she decided to go back to college for her AA degree in Child Development. English is my mom’s second language and for as long as I can remember she had trouble communicating in English and was frustrated by it; but as she progressed in her detox, she was writing college-level papers in English with ease because of her increased mental clarity. At one point, she even gave my best friend and me a lecture on friendship, all in English! At about the nine-month mark of her detox, she got an internship at a local pre-school. She came home one day ecstatic to share her news. She announced that she had just spent three hours using scissors to cut the children’s crafts with NO PAIN in her hands. It was truly a miracle. Neither one of us thought that she would ever completely get rid of her pain, but following the detox program made believers out of both of us. She had indeed cured her arthritis. She did what doctors said was impossible. My mom has been pain free for over a decade. She has remained faithful to her lifestyle of eating healing foods. She is active, healthy, joyful and most importantly free of arthritis. With the current model of eating, our bodies become so toxic that we are not aware of our body’s potential. By eating toxic food Little by little we put our body in a defensive mode. It defends itself against chemicals and food devoid of enzymes which our bodies have to work harder to digest. Our body is designed to adapt to various situations in order to survive. Some food we eat is so toxic that the body rejects it immediately. There are obvious and sometimes violent reactions in the body to ex-pulse the food such as vomiting or skin reactions. However, this does not happen with all food even though much of the food we consume is laden with toxic substances. It may take years for the gradual build up of toxicity to manifest any visible symptom in our bodies. Once the toxicity is in the body it may create allergies to food. Toxicity comes from anything that enters the body or waste that is produced in the body and it is not released. For a more detailed explanation on how the body becomes toxic see the Chapter named What Causes Toxicity? Detoxifying the body is like taking a soldier out of a war that he has been fighting for years without relief. When a body undergoes a detoxification, all the energy it was using to defend itself can now be used for constructive pursuits. The first benefit of a detox is an increase of energy. During a detox, the body is infused with live food; that means food that has not been cooked or exposed to heat at more than 115 F. Live food contains enzymes that aid in digestion. The body was designed to provide only some digestive enzymes, but most of them must come from food. When the body has the help of food enzymes to digest, it frees up the body’s energy to produce other types of enzymes that are used for different purposes like digesting unwanted tissues such as tumors or cysts. Because our bodies are designed to adapt, it produces many chemicals to relieve the symptoms of toxicity. For example, the brain might produce dopamine to dull physical pain. These chemical produce “brain fog”. This is a condition where a person can’t think as clearly or be as mentally agile as someone who is not toxic. By removing toxicity from the body and ceasing to ingest any more toxins, mental clarity is greatly increased. For a free 20-minute phone consultation email us at [email protected]. Send us your name, phone number where you can be reached and a choice of time for your consultation: Wednesday 2:00pm PST or Saturday 8:00am PST or specify another time in your email. You will receive a confirmation email to set your appointmen Most people periodically make appointments with chiropractors lamenting about low back pain. According to numerous sources, sixty-five million Americans are affected by back pain and thirty-one million Americans experience low back pain at any given time.
I myself suffered low back pain a couple of years ago. Only after making numerous appointments with our local chiropractor (my friend Dr. Sovetky) did my debilitating condition improve There are many reasons why people experience low back pain. In my case, low back pain was both structural and muscular. I have a spinal misalignment (subluxation), and the underlying structural problem of my spine was aggravated by my unhealthy habits such as improper lifting , sleeping and walking which brought about my chronic low back pain. Other reasons why people have low back pain are organic, such as herniated disks, Lumbar Spine Degenerative Joint Disease, accidents that cause injury to the spinal column, particularly the lower back; deliberate injury to the back or spine; stress that could be brought on by strenuous habits and activities or it may be work related due to repetitive motion. A study conducted by Mathew Reeves, a Michigan State University epidemiologist, finds that few Americans are doing all they can to maintain healthy habits. People who do not practice proper posture in their daily activities and people who live a sedentary lifestyle are at risk of developing low back pain. Low back pain can be categorized as acute or chronic. Acute low back pain, in general, does not last more than three months, while chronic low back pain may last more than twelve weeks. Acute low back pain can cultivate into chronic low back pain depending on the risk factors present. Risk factors can include stress, minimal activity, sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, prior history of low back pain, and back injury. Though low back pain is a debilitating condition, it is not without solution or remedy. Depending on the reason, help from chiropractors and a change of habits can help alleviate low back pain. Alternative medicines, such as acupuncture, can also help low back pain. For a free 20-minute phone consultation email us at [email protected]. Send us your name, phone number where you can be reached and a choice of time for your consultation: Wednesday 2:00pm PST or Saturday 8:00am PST or specify another time in your email. You will receive a confirmation email to set your appointment. |
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