Why the liver is a very busy organ and what is the roll of spine in its function. By Dr. Masoud Shamaeizadeh The liver has over 5000 known different functions. Even so, science has not discovered all the activities performed by this largest organ in the body. Without the liver you would die in a very short time. The liver eliminates poisons in the body by dumping them into the bowel via the bile. These toxic substances can be reabsorbed into the blood stream. They can also interfere with normal digestive function in the bowel. Why the liver is a very busy organ and what is the roll of spine in its function. Fortunately for you, nature has seen fit to make the liver much larger than it needs to be to maintain life. Most scientists agree that the liver is approximately six times larger than necessary; in other words, you could function adequately with only 1/6 of your liver. The liver also has excellent rebuilding capabilities. This is very fortunate indeed, because the liver is greatly overworked in most people in today’s civilized environment. Let’s differentiate two types of liver involvements. The first one for which most medical doctors look is liver pathology. This includes conditions such as infectious hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, fatty degeneration, and other disease processes. The second type of liver involvement.The one with which we are concerned in here is functional overload conditions which may one day turn into sever causing liver disease processes. Unfortunately, when disease processes are present it is often too late to reverse the condition and bring the liver back to its normal function. A liver that is overloaded and incapable of taking care of body needs can cause a wide variety of symptoms. This is because the liver has so many separate and distinct functions, affecting health in many different ways.The liver plays a very important role in digestive functions, especially in fat metabolism. An abnormally functioning liver, or an overworked liver, can affect many types of digestion. The liver eliminates poisons in the body by dumping them into the bowel via the bile. These toxic substances can be reabsorbed into the blood stream. They can also interfere with normal digestive function in the bowel. The liver removes many excess hormones from the body The liver helps to maintain a hormone balance. For example, the anti-diuretic hormone (water retention hormone) is eliminated by the liver when excessive. If the liver is not functioning adequately, an individual may have swelling usually in the legs or abdomen due to water retention. Some of the sex hormones are deactivated by the liver. Failure here can cause menstrual problems, change in secondary sex characteristics, etc. There may be a disturbance in sugar handling as a result of liver dysfunction, because the liver is a major sugar storehouse. It is responsible for many sugar conversion factors within the body. Improper utilization of vitamins, particularly the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, can result from improper liver function. Adequate absorption of these vitamins, as well as their storage, is dependent on the liver. There are factors in blood coagulation that are developed in the liver. This can be observed in a person who has a tendency to bleed or bruise due to the blood’s poor clotting ability. These are just a few of the liver’s many, many functions. Symptoms of liver involvement may be severe fatigue, digestive disturbances, swelling, a constant chilled feeling, and poor appetite. There may be an inability to tolerate medications due to improper breakdown and elimination of the drugs, with an increased number of side effects. Signs of many types of nutritional deficiencies may be apparent. T8 (Transverse Process 8 on spine) is where nerve supply to liver This wonderful and resilient organ strives to detoxify our system, a job that is increasingly difficult given our present day affection for fast foods, processed foods, and chemicals. Symptoms Structural: -T8 area pain, usually on the right -medial right Scapula(shoulder) area painful to pressure -wandering, seemingly unrelated structural symptoms Functional:, headache, coated tongue , lassitude , sneezing , nightmares , burning feet Signs: -a T8 transverse process nodulated and tender to palpation -3rd right rib painful to palpation, 2 inches lateral to sternum Special note: If it seems to you that you face a choice between addressing the gall bladder or liver, support the gall bladder (T4) first, then the liver. Acupuncture point LV 3. LV 8 , LV 13 , UB 18 may be tender What do we suggest? Chiropractic adjustment accompanied with Acupuncture Nutrition supplement Liverdetox for more information please call us 818-831-0100 Diet: These patients do not benefit from chemical toxins, especially alcohol and processed foods. They do benefit from: -Pure water and lots of it -Raw fresh organic vegetables 70% of your food -Regular bowel movements (Organic Spanish Black Radish, 4-6 per day will most often restore regular bowel function).
Low Back Pain May Mean Kidney Problems By Dr. Masoud Shamaeizadeh There has been an increase in patients coming in to our practice, with complains of low back pain that are related to kidney imbalance. The kidneys are tough organs, and are not quick to express their troubles with symptoms, either structural or functional. By the time symptoms indicate kidney involvement it is too late. For early assessment, we look to the spine and urinalysis. Likely Symptoms Structural: Lower back pain, deep, bilateral backache, which worsens while laying face up (supine) , nightmare-type dreaming, Functional: Swollen ankles and puffy eyelids, decreased urination. Signs Are:
Transverse processes T11 or T12 transverse process nodulated and tender to palpation Urinalysis evaluation, dipstick analysis, and microscopic examination of the urine sediment. What do we suggest ? Chiropractic adjustment accompanied with acupuncture treatment Nutrition that supports kidney function. For more info on this please call our office. 818-8631-0100 These patients are made worse by: Dairy products Citrus food and Citrus drinks Coffee and alcohol Carbonated drinks Excessive use of salt Cigarettes Cinnamon Visual Evidence of the Power of Prayer, Gratitude and Appreciation Presented By Dr Masoud Shamaeizadeh Dr. Masaru Emoto, a visionary researcher from Japan received certification from the Open International University as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine. Subsequently he was introduced to the concept of micro cluster water in the US and Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology. The quest thus began to discover the mystery of water. Continuing in this stream of awareness, Dr Emoto began to study the impact of altering water by various factors of vibration and consciousness. He studied water that had been altered by music - healing music, classical music, heavy metal music - and so forth. And the crystalline pictures reveal how water responds to these influences ... into complex arrangements of crystalline beauty. This begins to reveal that water is alive - it is conscious and responds to applied force by a rearrangement of its inner crystalline properties. Inspired by these revelations, he decided to study the impact of human consciousness on water and its crystalline order. Through repeatable experiments Dr. Emoto demonstrated that human thoughts and emotions can alter the molecular structure of water. Now, for the first time, there is physical evidence that the power of our thoughts can change the world within and around us. He found that water that had been consciously altered by the simple imprinting of a word of intent upon the water would change. Water that was imprinted by love, gratitude, and appreciation, responded by the development of complex beauty, and water that was mistreated by negative intentions became disordered and lost its magnificent patterning. In fact, it often took on grotesque forms of resonance. He experimented first with water from a pure source in Japan. The picture revealed a beautiful crystalline form. (Photo 1) He then did the same thing with water from a nearby polluted river. The result was a muddy, smeared pattern with very little structure. (Photo 2) He then asked a priest from a temple to offer a prayer to the polluted water sample and repeated the experiment out of curiosity. To his surprise, another beautiful crystalline structure appeared. (Photo 3) This experiment was repeated many times over with the same result. The researcher then exposed water samples to different types of music. Classical music always reflected beautiful patterns, (photo 4) whereas heavy metal or rock and roll created distorted, formless, smudged images, (photo 5) as if these types of music had destroyed the delicate equilibrium of the molecules. He continued experimenting, this time by writing words on pieces of paper and taping them to a clear glass container to see if anything happened. He tried using positive words like “Love” and “Thank you” (photo 6) and every time noticed a beautiful and delicate crystalline pattern. He tried “You Make Me Sick. I Will Kill You” (photo 7) and each time observed distorted, frightening, muddied patterns. He even experimented with names like “Gandhi”“Mother Teresa” (photo 8) and “Hitler” (photo 9) and the same kind of results occurred. After much experimentation, Dr. Emoto discovered that the most powerful combination of thoughts in terms of capacity to transform was that of “Love and Gratitude.” (Photo 10)
What makes this discovery so amazing is that we live on a planet covered by more water than landmass, and that the human body is largely composed of water. So if we have the power to change the structure of the medium we are made of by simply producing positive though patterns, we can restore not only our own health but that of everyone around us, and even the planet itself, with our every thought.Think about what giving thanks and praying before a meal can do to your health. I used to believe that it was a good way to stop the mental business of the day and put myself into a more receptive space. Now I know that even the food I am about to eat will also be transformed. Why Swedish Massage Is BEST By Dr. Masoud Shamaeizadeh Recently we notice in our practice that our patients will report to us that they have injury from a deep tissue massage Upon further investigation and questioning we find that these patients were injured by massage therapists elbow. The fact that the patient feels better temporarily is due to the endorphins and Enkephalins release, both of these substances are natural pain killers that the body produces after our body has sustained injury. Acupuncturist, Mabby Shamaeizadeh, also states that deep tissue massage is also very bad for patients that have underlying kidney and liver imbalances. Deep tissue massage causes additional stress to these two organ systems. Dr. Masoud and Mabby advise that if you are in need to a massage that you always ask for a soft tissue massage. This type of massage is very beneficial to our immune, circulatory and respiratory systems. This is a testimonial from patient T. C., Family Nurse Practitioner "My occupation requires that I use my upper body and arms quite a bit. In response to that I had a lot of tightness and stress in my upper back and hip area. I asked for a deep tissue massage in hopes to release my constant tightness and discomfort. During the massage, the therapist used a very firm pressure with some areas being painful. After the massage, I noticed that night instead of sleeping better I was unable to sleep and felt bogged down and my tongue was swollen and painful. The next day I had an appointment with Mabby and Dr. Masoud in the morning, I felt a little relief after the appointment but felt much better by that evening. During my acupuncture appointment Mabby noticed that I had several bruises on my arms, back and hands. This was related to the tissue damage that was caused by the massage therapist. They both educated me after my appointment that due to the fact that I have deficiencies in my kidney and liver areas that this type of massage actually caused more harm than good, and that next time to ask for a Swedish massage. I am grateful to have professionals that I know that are willing to educate me and share their knowledge in regards to what is the best practice to maintain my health." If you have any question please Call 818-831-0100 Classroon Hours Chiropractor Vs Medicine What type of Education do chiropractors receive? Chiropractors are very well educated. The science of chiropractic requires doctors of chiropractic to put a special emphasis on anatomy, bio-mechanics neurology, pathology; physiology, spinal adjusting techniques, X-ray and related subjects. After intense studies of these subjects, chiropractors are prepared to detect and correct vertebral subluxations, thereby correcting spinal nerve interference. In addition to the requirements listed, chiropractors must also complete courses in nutrition, palpation, chiropractic philosophy and practice, and spinal adjustments. Chiropractors have spent 4,485 hours in the classroom, compared to medical doctor’s 4, 248 hours, by the time they graduate from chiropractic school. Before they obtain their degree, they must also complete approximately 900 hours of work in a clinic setting. To graduate with a Doctor of Chiropractic degree, chiropractors must pass a very intense and demanding National Board Examination. In addition, they must also pass a practical exam and interview conducted by the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners in the state where they are seeking a license.This clearly proves that chiropractors are one of the best trained doctors you will find. Alleviate Auto Injuries With Chiropractic Presented by Dr. Masoud Shamaeizadeh Some injuries — like burns, bruises and cuts — are easy to spoL Others, however, may only be detected during an examination by a doctor of chiropractic. Many of these “hidden injuries” stem from automobile accidents. And although elusive, these injuries are far from minor. Immediate diagnosis of auto-related injuries like whiplash, hairline fracture and misaligned spinal bones (vertebrae) is critical. That’s why Dr. Shamaeizadeh examines accident victims’ entire musculoskeletal system to detect hidden injuries. Dr. Shamaeizadeh doesn't limit this approach to just those involved in high-speed, high-impact accidents. Even low-impact collisions, where there are no skid marks and minor to no visible vehicle damage, can injure occupants. “Crash tests indicate that a change of vehicle velocity of 4 km/hr (2.5 mph) may produce occupant symptoms. Vehicle damage may not occur until 14-15 km/hr (8.7 mph).” (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1998;21 :629-3 9.) Regardless of the speed or circumstances involved, early chiropractic intervention is vital. Left undiagnosed, veiled auto injuries can lead to a lifetime of pain and agony. The following examples highlight some of the most common auto injuries and how Dr. Shamaeizadeh and chiropractic care can help. Whiplash Dr. Shamaeizadeh notes that patients who assume they are fine after an accident — and aren't thoroughly examined — may not begin suffering the debilitating effects of whiplash for months or even years after the original trauma. Researchers have termed this phenomenon delayed onset whiplash associated disorder, or DOWAD .Whiplash can spark misalignment and serious injury to the joints, vertebrae, discs, muscles, nerves and ligaments of the neck. Fortunately, chiropractic care can help. When vertebrae become misaligned, it results in a condition known as vertebral subluxation. This is a common finding in whiplash injuries. Dr.Shamaeizadeh corrects vertebral subluxations with safe and gentle maneuvers known as chiropractic adjustments. Back Injury Motor vehicle accidents — specifically rear-end collisions, striking non- moving objects or getting broadsided by another vehicle are a leading cause of back injury: particularly low- back pain (LBP). The force of impact can instigate multiple vertebral subluxations. Fortunately, chiropractic adjustments restore proper spinal alignment and effectively relieve LBP. In a study of 681 patients with LBP, researchers noted that those who received chiropractic and physical therapy were “much more likely to perceive improvement in their low-back symptoms” than patients who received only medical care (Spine 2006;3 1:611 - 21). That was certainly the case for an 18- year-old man who sustained a fracture of the third lumbar vertebra during an automobile accident.In addition to regularly scheduled chiropractic care, the patient wore a brace. Four months later, the patient suffered only occasional, minor LBP (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1996;19:539-51). As of 2002, 43 randomized trials of spinal manipulation for LBP were published in peer-reviewed medical journals. Of that number, 30 trials showed that chiropractic care provided more improvement than the comparison treatments. “Other studies have shown that chiropractic care compared with medical care is safer, costs no more and often costs much less and has consistently greater patient satisfaction for treatment of similar conditions. “Consequently, there is now better public and professional opinion of chiropractic with coverage by insurance companies and government agencies. That trend is likely to continue.” (Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research 2006;444:243-9.) Neck Injury Automobile accidents may be particularly traumatic to the head and neck. That’s why the doctor takes great care to properly X-ray the spine of the neck (cervical spine).In one case, a hospital emergency department missed a cervical spine fracture-dislocation in a 77-year-old man involved in a car accident. “The patient visited a chiropractic clinic six days later, where X-ray films were again obtained, finding that the patient sustained fractures of C5 and C6.” The patient also suffered dislocation of the same vertebrae (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2002;25:263-69). Another study details the case of a 17- year-old girl who endured a motor- vehicle collision. In addition to pain in her neck and shoulder, the patient’s symptoms included vertigo (dizziness), tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and confusion. The patient sought chiropractic care. “During ten weeks of care and 22 office visits all symptoms subsided.” In addition, all vertebrae instability was completely resolved (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2000;23:279-87). Headaches Headaches often accompany neck injuries and are also associated with cervical vertebral subluxations, which may spark muscular dysfunction and nerve interference. According to one scientific report, a 21-year-old woman with neck pain reported suffering from headaches following a motor vehicle collision. She also demonstrated moderate range-of-motion restrictions in her neck. After a year of soft-tissue treatment that produced ineffective results, the woman began receiving chiropractic care. “The patient described greater and more immediate relief [with chiropractic] and longer pain-free periods than could be achieved by soft-tissue treatment alone.” (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2001;24:520-5.) Chest and Rib Injury The skeletal structure of the midback includes 12 pairs of ribs and 12 vertebrae. Each of the vertebrae is attached to a corresponding pair of ribs. In an auto accident, however, these bones can become misaligned, fractured or both. A study published in August reveals that seat-belted drivers in older cars without air bags have a higher incidence of chest and rib injury than those whose cars feature both safety devices. Out of 42,055 accidents, the steering column (39 percent) and steering wheel (36 percent) were the primary instigators of injury (Ann Thorac Surg 2006;82:444-50). During a chiropractic adjustment, the doctor slowly moves misaligned vertebrae and ribs back into place. This process relaxes the connecting muscles: a vital step in reducing patients’ midback pain and improving mobility. Everyone Is Different It’s important to remember that no two accidents are exactly alike. And no two people will have exactly identical injuries. “The same collision may cause injury to some individuals and leave others unaffected,” say researchers (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2000;23:420-7). Variables include the following: • Posture of the occupants • Ligament strength • Body positions in the vehicle • Amount of muscle activation • Health of the nervous system Because so many factors come into play, schedule an immediate chiropractic appointment after any auto accident no matter how minor. And remember: You have the right to choose your own health-care professionals. Don’t be pressured into interventions without first requesting a second opinion from a doctor of chiropractic. Nasal Fossae Prevent Sinusitis ... Naturally! Presented by Dr Masoud Shamaeizadeh Sinusitis — an infection or inflammation of the sinus cavities — afflicts millions of people each year, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infections Disases. Sinusitis pain also hits the wallet: with annual health-care costs related to sinusitis averaging $5.8 billion. The common cold, which can irritate delicate sinus passageways, is the most recognized instigator of sinusitis. Instead of resorting to costly and potentially harmful drugs to cover up cold symptoms, Dr. Shamaeizadeh promotes chiropractic’s prevention- oriented way of life. This chiropractic lifestyle includes regular chiropractic care, proper nutrition, stress reduction, exercise and wellness education. Sinuses 101 The sinuses are comprised of four distinct cavities surrounding the nasal area of the skull: the frontal sinuses (over the eyes in the brow area), maxillary sinuses (inside the cheekbones), ethmoid sinuses (between the eyes) and sphenoid sinuses (deep in the skull in the upper region of the nose and behind the eyes). Symptoms of sinusitis include head-ache, facial pain, fever and postnasal drip.Sinusitis may be acute (short-term) or chronic (lasting more than 12 weeks). What Triggers Sinusitis? Focusing on prevention is key to warding off sinus infection. Consequently, it’s essential to understand the common instigators of this condition, including the following. Weakened Immune System Ample scientific research reveals that patients with weakened immune systems are more likely to develop sinusitis — in addition to a host of other illnesses. An article published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, however, underscores what Dr. Shamaeizadeh chiropractors throughout the world have known all along: Chiropractic care boosts immune function. Over a nine-month period, 11 volunteers received periodic chiropractic adjustments and lab work designed to track immune function. In addition to immune function showing significant improvement, participants reported that chiropractic care enhanced their quality of life (J Vert Sublux Res2006:1-6). Allergies and Asthma Allergies and asthma are common triggers of sinusitis. Patients can, however, reduce their risk of developing sinusitis by staying properly hydrated and eating a diet low in sodium and omega-6 fatty acids (found in sesame, sunflower, corn and flaxseed oil). Avoiding trans-fatty acids — like partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, hydrogenated vegetable oils and shortening — is also important. Instead, diets should be high in omega-3 fatty acids (fish, pumpkin, almonds, walnuts and flax seeds), onions, fruits and vegetables (Prim Care 2002;29:231-61). Regularly scheduled chiropractic care with a doctor like Dr. Shamaeizadeh may also lower the risk of developing sinusitis by addressing allergies. In a 12-week analysis, doctors of chiropractic examined 36 asthmatic children for the presence of a spinal condition known as vertebral subluxation. This common malady is characterized by areas in the spine where movement is restricted or bones (vertebrae) are slightly out of alignment. Half of the patients received chiropractic adjustments — safe and gentle maneuvers designed to restore spinal movement and alignment — while the others underwent placebo treatments.Patients receiving chiropractic adjustments reported 20 percent less frequent use of their bronchodilator. They also noted that their quality of life improved by 10 percent to 28 percent. In addition, asthma severity ratings dropped 39 percent. These results remained constant during the one-year follow-up period (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2001 ;24:369-77). Gastric Reflux Disease Based on widespread speculation that gastric reflux disease (GRD) might play a role in the development and maintenance of chronic sinusitis, researchers launched a study involving 31 patients. Test results showed that 25 of the 31 patients had both GRD and sinusitis. Upon getting GRI) symptoms under control, 14 patients demonstrated “at least some improvement in their sinus symptoms, including seven who experienced either a complete or almost- complete resolution of symptoms. The improvements in sinus symptoms corresponded with improvements in reflux symptoms.” (Ear Nose Throat J 2006;85:174.) Other Triggers Drinking alcohol causes nasal and sinus membranes to swell and become irritated. And swimming in pools treated with chlorine can irritate the lining of the nose and sinuses: a scenario worsened by diving. Sinusitis Drugs May Do More Harm Than Good Over-the-counter or prescription decongestant nose drops and sprays can be counterproductive, leading to even more congestion and swelling of nasal passages. Avoid antibiotics as well. “Many cases of acute sinusitis will end without antibiotics,” according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. All-Natural Solutions. In addition to regular chiropractic care, your doctor may suggest a number of all-natural solutions aimed at stifling sinusitis. All-natural saline nasal spray, for instance — available in health-food stores and many pharmacies — is an inexpensive therapy that flushes the nasal cavity with a mild salt solution: removing nasal discharge and crusts, thinning mucus and decreasing inflammation (Am Fam Phys 2005;72: 1661). To make your own saline spray, add one-fourth teaspoon of table salt to one cup of warm water. Mix well in a clean squeeze bottle. Squirt the salt water into each side of your nose three or four times a day (Am Fam Phys 2004;70:171 1) Your doctor may also recommend one or more of the following: • Exercise. In one study, 81 percent of participants engaged in physical exercise to relieve symptoms (Cliii Excell Nurse Prac1999;3:346-52). • Inhale steam from a vaporizer. And remember: Keep vaporizers clean and free from mold and mildew. • Drape a warm — not hot — washcloth over painful sinus areas. • Purchase a humidifier, particularly if the air in your home is dry. For the office, select a desk-type version. • Massage your face, particularly over painful sinus cavities. • Avoid cigarette smoke and other air pollutants. Watch Out for Wasabi Hailed by many for its reported decongestant ability, researchers studied wasabi’s (Japanese horseradish’s) effect on 22 healthy volunteers. “Findings from acoustic rhinometry a measure of sinus volume and cross section — showed that wasabi was associated with increased rather than decreased nasal congestion.” (Fam Pract News 2004:34:79.) “No Sneeze” Zone Sinus attacks are nothing to sneeze at. That’s why prevention is so critical. Make a chiropractic appointment today to discuss strategies to boost your immune system and reduce the risk of sinusitis. The common cold, which can irritate delicate sinus passageways, is the most recognized instigator of sinusitis. Instead of resorting to costly and potentially harmful drugs to cover up cold symptoms, Dr. Shamaeizadeh promotes chiropractic’s prevention- oriented way of life. This chiropractic lfesty1e includes regular chiropractic care, proper nutrition, stress reduction, exercise and wellness education.
Tongue diagnosis is an integral part of taking a acupuncture history in acupuncture technical approach. If you have any question about your tongue please call soft Touch Acupuncture and ask for Mabby ..818-83-0100
Old Case Studies Chiropractic in New Zealand Report The Case of Mrs. D’s Daughter Mrs. D told us of chiropractic relief which had been given to her young daughter. Her daughter suffered from impaired hearing. Mrs. D and her husband took her to an ear nose, and throat specialist. The specialist thoroughly examined her and recommended surgeiy Mrs. D was reluctant to agree to this course, and thought that chiropractic should at least be tried. Mrs. D had been to a chiropractor for a back complaint. She and her husband took the child to the chiropractor who examined her and adjusted her spine in the area of the neck. Much to Mr. and Mrs. D’s surprise, the child was able to hear a whisper from across the room the following day. In Mrs. D’s words, recalling the child’s previous condition, “that to me was miraculous.” They took the child back to the ear, nose, and throat specialist. The specialist tested the child. He found, to his surprise, that her hearing had improved to a level of 100/98. That was a remarkable change. Her hearing had become normal. He asked what the parents had been doing. They told him they had taken the child to the chiropractor and his response, according to Mrs. D was “Of course if you are going to do this sort of thing you might get temporary relief but you will have her back here within 6 months.” Mrs. D told us the prediction had fortunately proved incorrect. Mrs. D went on to say that her daughter “is now trained as a nurse and she has no problem. In fact, her hearing is a little bit too good sometimes.” This case provides an interesting modem parallel with the first recorded chiropractic adjustment by Daniel David Palmer which is said to have affected a cure of deafness. It is unfortunate it was not possible to inquire into this particular case further by inviting the specialist and the chiropractor to give evidence before us. However, we have no reason to think from seeing and hearing Mrs. D on the witness stand, that she was giving us other than an accurate and unemotional report. According to Chinese medicine, energy flows along 12 pathways, or meridians, that are related to the body’s major organs and functions. The aim of acupuncture is to restore and maintain healthy energy flow, Acupuncture: A 2000-Year Track Record Presented by Mabby Shamaeizadeh Hailed as helpful for a wide range of conditions, this ancient Chinese practice enjoys burgeoning acceptance in the West. needle stick doesn't usually conjure up a feeling of comfort, but a growing body of medical evidence suggests that acupuncture—the use of carefully placed needles to promote healing and improve functioning—does help many people. It’s been used for more than 2,000 years by the Chinese, and has been growing in popularity in the United States. A national health survey found that more than eight million U.S. adults have used acupuncture to help heal their aches and pains. “Acupuncture sends a signal to the body to turn on its own rescue system,” says Ka-Kit Hui, MD, professor of medicine and director of the Center for East-West Medicine at UCLA. How does it work? According to Chinese medicine, energy called qi (“chi”) flows through the body across 12 major pathways called meridians. The meridians correspond to specific organs and body functions. If the flow of qi is blocked, you get sick. Inserting very fine needles at specific points (“acupoints”) along these meridians helps restore the flow of qi. Most doctors believe that the needle stick causes the central nervous system to release morphine-like pain killers called endorphin. “It re-regulates the body,” says Dr. Hui. “It can help turn the pain signals off.” Another theory is that acupuncture creates a powerful placebo effect. In other words, acupuncture may work at least in part because a person believes it does. In general, Chinese medicine places greater emphasis than Western medicine on the close relationship of mind, body, and spirit. Acupuncture targets Acupuncture has been used to treat everything from pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis to asthma. The World Health Organization recommends acupuncture for many respiratory diseases, eye and mouth problems, orthopedic troubles, neurological disorders, and gastrointestinal ailments. According to the NationalInstitutes of Health Consensus Statement on Acupuncture, the therapy has also shown considerable promise in relieving nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy. Acupuncture has been used to help patients regain movement after stroke, and to treat depression, headaches, low back pain, tennis elbows—even substance abuse. A very early study in Neuroscience Letters suggests that it may even be a useful strategy for treating Parkinson’s disease What to expect The needles used for acupuncture are only as thick as a single human hair. You may feel a tiny prick as needles are inserted, but it should not be painful. The needles usually stay in place for five to 20 minutes, depending on your illness. Improper needle placement can cause pain—this is why you should only seek treatment from a qualified acupuncture practitioner. Treatment may take place over a few days or for several weeks or more. For best results, Dr. Hui recommends that acupuncture be part of a comprehensive wellness program that includes exercise and healthy diet. “Our goal is to develop a model system of healthcare that will benefit people all over the world,” he says. What You To Do? Discuss the possible benefits of acupuncture with your doctor, and check with your insurance company to see if you will be covered, your practitioner should be certified. About 40 states have training standards for acupuncture certification. Nat all areas require an acupuncturist to be licensed. The FDA requires that sterile, nontoxic needles be used—and used only once. Make sure your acupuncturist follows these rules. • For more information, visit the http://acupuncturehelp.weebly.com |
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