We'll give you a clue, they're both right and wrongIn recent years, as I have listened to seminars and read countless books on health and wellness, I have realized there are two major nutrition camps in the medical community. The most famous cardiology camp is lead by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, heart surgeon and T. Colin Campbell, professor of nutritional biochemistry. They warn about the dangers of animal fat and the consequences of consuming products such as meat and dairy. Through their work together in their documentary Forks Over Knives and individually, through their published works like The China Study and Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, they have promoted the importance of a plant-based diet. Diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and arthritis are caused directly or indirectly by the consumption of animal fat. The other camp lead by neurologist Dr. Daniel Perlmutter, warns about the dangers of consuming sugars and carbohydrates in his book Grain Brain. Conditions such as Alzheimer disease and Parkinson disease are caused directly or indirectly by over-consumption of sugars and carbohydrates. Here is where the debate begins and gets interesting; neurologists advocate the consumption of fat because our brain needs fat. Our brains are made of fat and cholesterol. The cardiologists suggest that the consumption of fat will lead to heart disease. In this one debate, they both happen to be wrong. A person cannot maintain a healthy lifestyle without consumption of some fat, but consumption of the wrong kinds of fat can lead to cardiovascular disease. We suggest there is a wonderful alternative to consuming healthy fats while keeping cholesterol down: flax seed oil, coconut oil, avocados and nuts contain the omega-3 essential fatty acids that the brain needs. Here is where they are both right; the one thing both camps agree on is that fruits and vegetables, in other words, a plant-based diet is the best practice for preventing and reversing most chronic diseases. What both camps fail to understand, however, is the importance of enzymes in nutrition. While fruits and vegetables are the best choice in nutrition, when we cook food, we kill the enzymes in the food that help us in digestion. A lack of enzymes leads to the formation of cysts, abnormal fat deposits, lowered immune system and digestive problems. In 1930, Dr. Paul Kouchakoff, published a study that showed an increase in white blood cells in the blood of a patient immediately after having a cooked meal. This condition was called digestive leukocytosis. Dr. Kouchaoff noticed that a patients blood remained normal if the meal consisted of raw fruits or vegetables. In recent years, the medical community has come a long way in recognizing the role of food in health and yet they have much more to discover in the area of raw food. So here is the formula for preventing chronic disease:
It goes without saying that exercising and drinking plenty of water is also essential to great health. Here is wishing you a happy and healthy journey! Click on the Like button below
How Your Thoughts Affect Your LifeHere are all the reasons why I highly recommend this book:
I give this book 5 out of 5 stars. This is one of those books you will want to revisit many times over. Click here to read the book now. Click the Like button below How to Prevent Neurological Diseases with NutritionDr. Perlmutter does a great job of presenting research to support the idea of using nutrition as a preventative measure to neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's. I give the book 4 out of 5 stars only because I don't support the idea of consuming higher levels of animal fat. I do, however, recommend a higher intake of non-animal fats - Omega 3s found in flax seed oil, avocados and nuts. Animal fat causes acidity in the blood vessels which damages the arterial walls, therefore compromising the cardiovascular system. Even organic animal fat has this effect on the blood. By far, the best source of Omega 3 is flax seed oil. Click the Like button below. A Medical Doctor's Point of View on Alternative Medicine Dr. Weil's book is full of great advice. If you follow his recommendations, you can cut your doctor visits in half. He gives great advice on nutrition and home remedies. I give Dr. Weil's book 3.5 stars out of 5, only because of his minimalist view of back pain. He might have addressed the issue differently if were well versed in chiropractic. Also, in order to really carry out his title, he might have given a bit more explanation on the role of essential oils. Overall, I do recommend the book, just be aware that it is not an all-inclusive reference guide to alternative health options. Click the Like button below. |
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