Many of my patients have asked me about how to clear their sinuses. After trying many options, without any significant results, they are desperate to find a solution that actually works. My wife and I have used a nasal rinsing system called Nasaline for many years and we have recommended it to many of our friends and family. I have a personal friend who suffered sinus problems for 20 years. After trying all the conventional methods to treat his sinuses, he tried Nasaline and got the results he wanted. We particularly like this solution for sinus problems because:
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Chelation therapy is the use of chelating agents to remove heavy metals from the body. Metals like lead, arsenic and mercury are most commonly treated by chelation therapy. Heavy metals can do serious damage to tissue especially to the arteries, but above all they can damage brain cells. People with kidney problems may be suffering from heavy metal toxicity. Especially for people with amalgam dental fillings, the damage from mercury is like hammering a nail into the kidneys. Here is a list of symptoms of heavy metal poisoning: Allergies Anxiety, irritability Autism Brain fog Cannot lose weight Chronic pain Coated tongue Cold hands and feet Dark circles under the eyes Depression Digestive problems Extreme fatigue Frequent colds and flus Headaches Insomnia Intolerance to medications & vitamins Loss of memory and forgetfulness Low body temperature Metallic taste in mouth Muscle and joint pain Muscle tics or twitches Muscle tremors Night sweats Parasites Prone to mood swings Prone to rashes Sensitive teeth Sensitive to smells like tobacco smoke, perfumes, paint fumes and chemical odors Skin problems Small black spots on your gums Sore or receding gums Tingling in the extremities Unsteady gait Vitamin and mineral deficiencies We recommend chelation therapy for people who eat a lot of fish and those who have metal amalgam dental fillings, both of which contain mercury. It is also recommended for those who eat foods cooked in, wrapped with or stored in aluminum. Chelation therapy may be intravenously administered by a naturopath right in their clinics. This is a process that may require several sessions over time, each session lasting a few hours. There are also capsules that can be taken orally. The IV is the most effective therapy, but also the most time consuming and expensive. The oral therapy is the least effective but most convenient. The middle ground between these two options is suppository chelation therapy. The suppositories are small and easy to insert. A set of ten treatments, which is the recommended starting dose, costs only a fraction of what an IV treatment might cost. Like any other detox, chelation therapy will have some side effects such as flue-like symptoms, rashes, fatigue or lethargy. These are signs that the metals are coming out of a person’s system. Although very rare, a person might experience allergic reactions to the chelating agents and treatment must be stopped immediately. Consult your naturopath doctor before starting any chelation therapy on your own. Click the Like button below and LIke us on Facebook Recently we've been doing research on fat and their link to neurological diseases. We have found that the lack of good fats (omega-3s) is linked to Alzheimer, Parkinson and dementia. Cholesterol-lowering drugs not only destroy bad cholesterol, they also destroy good cholesterol. Cholesterol is what our brains are made of! These drugs also interfere with the body's production of vitamin D. It takes cholesterol and sunlight for our bodies to produce vitamin D on their own; by reducing cholesterol, the body is impaired in its natural function. Other contributors to declining brain function are chemically-extracted cooking oils from plants; GMO corn oil is especially devastating. The only cooking oil we recommend is coconut. Although not good for cooking, cold-pressed olive oil can be used in its cold form. All other oils create inflammation which lead to neurological problems. When our bodies lack good fats, we crave carbs and sugar. Our brains are nothing but a big chunk of fat and cholesterol and it needs to be nourished, so a lack of good fats starves the brain; at the same time, sugar diminishes brain function by killing brain cells. Any product that has a combination of sugar and gluten is especially damaging. So the equation is really easy: increase good fats, decrease carbs and sugars. INCREASE Flax seed oil - used cold and never for cooking Coconut oil for cooking Avocado Nuts Seeds DECREASE Potato Rice Pasta Bread Gluten products Dairy Animal fat Chemically-extracted plant oils Click the Like button below. Preservatives are a type of food additive added to food to prolong shelf life and keep products from being spoiled by mold, bacteria, and yeast . Many preservatives are made out of synthetic chemicals which our bodies are not designed to process and digest. It may be common sense that ingesting chemicals would not be good for your health, however many studies have been done on the effects of long-term use. Other countries have gotten smart and have banned the following products: Bread with Potassium Bromate The use of potassium bromate as an additive to commercial breads and baked goods has been a huge contributor to bromide overload in Western cultures. Bromated flour is "enriched" with potassium bromate. Studies have linked potassium bromate to kidney and nervous system damage, thyroid problems, gastrointestinal discomfort, and cancer. Use of potassium bromate is banned in Canada, China and the EU. [1] Preservatives BHA and BHT BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) are commonly used preservatives. BHA is known to cause cancer in rats, and may be a cancer-causing agent in humans as well. US experts concluded that BHA "is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen." BHA and BHT are banned in Japan and parts of the European Union, and the UK does not permit BHA in baby foods. [1] These are just a few examples of the hundreds of chemicals used in processed foods. Here is what you can do to start reducing your intake of preservatives and minimize their effects on your health. 1. Replace processed foods with fresh foods. Stick to the produce section of the supermarket. 2. Buy organic as much as possible 3. Learn the art of canning food without preservatives 4. Do a detox seasonally to release toxicity from the body [1] Have you ever experienced this principle in your life? Have you sowed and reaped the benefits or adverse consequences of your actions? In health, like in any other area of life, this principle holds true. Whatever we put into our bodies is what we will reap from our bodies. What kinds of expectations do you have of your body? Do you expect it to get up early in the morning or stay up late at night? Do you expect it to perform in a sport or at the gym? How about stress? Do you expect your body to manage every day stresses and pressures? Do you expect your body to get up every morning with enough energy to get you through the day? If you haven't thought about this lately, you might pay attention to what happens to your energy around 3:00 PM on a work day. Are you reaching for a snack, a cup of coffee or a chocolate bar to get you through the afternoon? If the answer is, yes, you will want to read on. The energy that our bodies use to perform every day tasks comes from the foods we eat, so the higher the quality of the food, the higher the energy our bodies will have. Take a look at the pictures below. Kirlian photography makes it possible to see the energy in each of these mushrooms. It is evident that organic foods have greater energy than non-organic foods. The picture below shows how uncooked, live foods have greater energy than even slightly cooked foods. When we talk about live foods, we are referring to foods that have not been cooked in heat higher than 112 degrees Fahrenheit. Any food cooked at higher temperatures is basically dead because its enzymes, probiotics and some vitamins and minerals are no longer alive, rendering the food ineffective for truly nourishing the body. Check out the high levels of energy coming from this organic goji berry. This amazing little berry is considered a superfood; you can see why. The bottom line is, if you want to have greater physical energy, you must feed your body high energy foods which are live, uncooked and organic. Organic foods are not always within reach or within budget, however if you would give live foods a try, even of they are not organic, you would experience a greater level of energy.
You might think about how to incorporate live foods into your every day eating. The Bible has one great example of this principle at work. Stay tuned for Part 2. Like us on Facebook. Click the button below. |
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