The chiropractic specialty is only a slight more than a century old, but manipulation in its various forms has been used to treat men and women ailments since antiquity. Although no one origin is noted, manual procedures are evident in Thai artwork dating back 4000 years. Ancient Chinese, Egyptian, Japanese and Tibetan records describe the use of manipulation to treat dis-ease. Drawings indicate the application of this treatment form from the time of the ancient Greeks through the middle ages indifferent parts of the eastern and western world. manual procedures was also a part of the North and South American Indian cultures. Certainly, Hippocrates (460—355 B/C) was known to use manual procedures in treating spinal deformity, and the noted physicians Galen (131—202 AD), Celsus, and Orbasius alluded to manipulation in their writings. The 19th century wftnessed a growth in popularity of American and English “bonesetters,” the well known being Mr. Hutton, who influenced the thoughts and writing of Sir James Paget and Wharton Hood. Bonesetters were often called upon to provide treatment for many types of maladies. Bonesetting was often practiced by families. It evolved from a lay practice developed from the peasant revival of manipulation after it went underground during the seventeenth century.
Osteoporosis is a loss of bone density that surpasses the amount that abnormally to your age and It does occurs due to lifestyle . The hips and spine , are the most susceptible areas. Women are most commonly affected but could occur in man as well . Osteoporosis is caused by a number of component including a bad lifestyle, deficit of minerals, hormonal imbalance , hypothyroidism, smoking, a high animal protein diet, alcohol intake, caffeine intake and stress; Also Long term use of the following medications may decreases bone density - ulcer medication, antacids, blood thinners, anti-seizure medication, diuretics, and all corticosteroids. Osteoporosis is treated conventionally by several medications. All of the medications have potential side effects and most do more harm than good. Natural solution for osteoporosis involves the use of food, life style change and chiropractic to maximize the body’s use of nutrients and minimize factors that cause the body to move nutrients out of the bones. Our upcoming book will cover winning strategies to play the Game of Health. If you are interested in getting a copy, you can email us and we will keep you posted when pre-ordering begins. Email [email protected].
Are you looking for solutions to boost your memory? Try these simple and quick solutions. 1. Mix the following essential oils and apply 1 drop to temples and nape of the neck: Basil 8 drops Grapefruit 10 drops Lavender 7 drops Rosemary 5 drops Dilute these in 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil* 2. Take 1 tablespoon of flax seed oil with every meal. * Source: The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy Click the like button below Multitaaking Means Digital Addiction? There's little uncertainty that some people could indeed deteriorate from an Internet addiction. But we believes the research is premature ; The concern is that there will not be a clear, vivid line in between a true Internet addiction and the rest of population , who are using Internet or cell for fun or work.; We should learn to use internet technology wisely. We should be the skillful of technology and not let it control us. Our upcoming book will cover winning strategies to play the Game of Health. If you are interested in getting a copy, you can email us and we will keep you posted when pre-ordering begins. Email [email protected].
Click the Like button below and like us on Facebook This is an article of a remedy which was glorified briefly as having almost healing properties for the disorder of man and beast and diseases of plant life and then was banished by high United States authorities (the FDA) as dangerous and without merit in 1960′s and 1970′s: The remedy is known as DMSO, or dimethyl sulfoxide (a liquid). It has been promote by prominent physicians as capable of curative or palliating many ailments. It has been represented as a “wonder remedy .” . It is exuberant and it can be extracted from such sources as coal, oil, or most commonly lignin, the material essentially uses to cement cells together in trees; it is economical; it is most often administered by simply dabbing it on the skin,, it pass through the skin to enter the blood stream where it is borne to all parts of the body. .A study in Turkey combined DMSO with fructose diphosphate. In 20 patients with head injuries, the blend proved very powerful in decreasing interracial pressure. Animal study in the 1960′s and then human tests on prisoners in 1967 exposed that DMSO is non-toxic, indeed, less toxic than aspirin. 1980, Mike Wallace had two 60 Minutes programs on this remedy .My wife and I struggle with our health just like everyone else. Each of us, individually, has had up hill battles in our health for many years. As a married couple trying to do our best for our children, we have fallen off the bandwagon several times and have turned our backs on everything we know to be true about nutrition, but we learned from our experience, made changes to meet our needs, came up with plans to work with our weaknesses and moved on. Often times, we have given in to our cravings and paid the painful price after. We are just like everyone we know. The experiences we have gone through in our health have called us to write a book. We want to share why it is important to play the Game of Health right and how to play it. First we must understand that there is a game out there and there are huge profits that stand to be made from us getting sick. The players in this game are the general population (that is consumers who are not growing food in mass quantities), the farming industry, the packaged food industry, legislators and food safety regulators. There are a lot of people who are motivated to suppress the evidence that we will share in the upcoming book. They may not directly suppress the information, but they may do it indirectly by controlling the information. One good example of this is the defeat of Proposition 37 in California. The proposition would have required retailers and food companies to label products made with genetically modified ingredients. Among others, Monsanto and the Hershey Company managed to raise $44 million to campaign against prop 37. The proposition did not pass. In essence, with their vote people were saying, “We don’t want to know what we are eating!” The margin was very small; 47% of voters were in favor of the proposition. We mention this to make the point that there are industries out there that want to control the information that you have access to, even if just a simple food label. Like in any industry companies like to keep their customers. Imagine a drug addict goes to see his drug dealer to get a fix. Even if the drug dealer treats the addict poorly and makes him think that the addict needs him, the dealer knows full well that it is him who needs the addict to continue doing business. Guess who has lost a customer the moment the addict gets his act together and kicks the addiction? It is in the best interest of the dealer to keep that addict hooked on whatever he is selling. We are currently living in an addicted culture. We are addicted to coffee, energy drinks, sugar, bread, meat and cheese. These are all billion dollar industries. They thrive thanks to the addictive quality of their products and our addictions. There is no rehab center for these addictions. Most of us wouldn't even call the consistent consumption of these products “addiction”, we call them “cravings”. Our upcoming book will cover winning strategies to play the Game of Health. If you are interested in getting a copy, you can email us and we will keep you posted when pre-ordering begins. Email [email protected]. Although chamomile is antibacterial, antiseptic, and disinfectant, it is most valued for its anti-inflammatory properties.Chamomile There are several types of chamomile essential oil. Chamomile German is an magnificent variety and its beautiful deep dark blue color, due to its high azulene content, comes as a bonus. Another magnificent vari cry, chamomile Roman, is especially good for the treatment of nervous conditions and insomnia. Beware though of chamomile Maroc (Ormenis multicaulis) which isn't a true chamomile and can't be used as such. Although chamomile is antibacterial, antiseptic, and disinfectant, it is most valued for its anti-inflammatory claim. These apply to internal conditions like rheumatism, as well as to external inflammations. Chamomile is essential if you have children because it can be used for teething troubles and in the bath to calm nerves and tetchiness Chamomile is used in the treatment of bums, including hay fever, sunburn, eczema, psoriasis, asthma, diarrhea, sprains and strains, nausea, fever, and all nervous and depressive states. Its analgesic, diuretic, sedative, and calming properties make chamomile an extremely desirable oil kicking the tranquilizer habit it is invaluable, and in anorexia nervosa it is extremely helpful. As if this weren't sufficient, chamomile is used in rejuvenation treatments. One thing to beware of is using heat on the oils. Heating up the oils may change the molecular structure and they lose their healing benefits. If you do not want to use the oil right on your skin but want to use it as a room freshener, you can put a few drops of chamomile oil in a spray bottle with water. If you have any questions please email us at [email protected] Click the Like button below. How to Maintain Internal Organ HealthEach of our internal organs are continually multi-tasking. They are also inter-dependent on one another. All of this internal activity needs control and coordination from a central command; that central command is the nervous system: the brain, spinal cord and nerves. The brain and the organs exchange information via the nerves and spinal cord. Any interference to the communication between the central command (brain, cord and nerves) and the rest of the body (internal organs), can interfere with the proper function of the organs and consequently interfe also with all other inter-dependent organs. When a person is injured, the immediate symptoms might be a few aches and pains. However, there may be deeper consequences than the immediately apparent ones. For example, if you consistently sleep poorly or get whiplash in a car accident, the immediate symptoms may only be arm or shoulder pain, but over the long and short term, the strained vertebra directly affect the function of the heart and lungs because the nerves to those organs run right through the vertebra that, might have been misaligned by poor sleeping position or the strain of the accident. The deeper consequences of interfering with the communication between the nervous system and the internal organs are: gradual or sudden reduction in organ function capacity, even if it's minimal and reduction in the ability for the organ to repair itself. For example, in the case of someone whose sleeping position is affecting the neck vertebrae, it may take several years to notice the loss of function in the heart or lungs and, when left uncorrected, it can lead to dis-ease. In the case of the person in a car accident, the loss of organ function may be more noticeable due to the suddenness and severity of the injury. The best way to maintain healthy organ function is to get the affected vertebrae adjusted by an experienced chiropractor. See the image below for the corresponding organs to each vertebral segment. Call us to schedule an appointment for a consultation and free exam
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