How to Maintain Internal Organ HealthEach of our internal organs are continually multi-tasking. They are also inter-dependent on one another. All of this internal activity needs control and coordination from a central command; that central command is the nervous system: the brain, spinal cord and nerves. The brain and the organs exchange information via the nerves and spinal cord. Any interference to the communication between the central command (brain, cord and nerves) and the rest of the body (internal organs), can interfere with the proper function of the organs and consequently interfe also with all other inter-dependent organs. When a person is injured, the immediate symptoms might be a few aches and pains. However, there may be deeper consequences than the immediately apparent ones. For example, if you consistently sleep poorly or get whiplash in a car accident, the immediate symptoms may only be arm or shoulder pain, but over the long and short term, the strained vertebra directly affect the function of the heart and lungs because the nerves to those organs run right through the vertebra that, might have been misaligned by poor sleeping position or the strain of the accident. The deeper consequences of interfering with the communication between the nervous system and the internal organs are: gradual or sudden reduction in organ function capacity, even if it's minimal and reduction in the ability for the organ to repair itself. For example, in the case of someone whose sleeping position is affecting the neck vertebrae, it may take several years to notice the loss of function in the heart or lungs and, when left uncorrected, it can lead to dis-ease. In the case of the person in a car accident, the loss of organ function may be more noticeable due to the suddenness and severity of the injury. The best way to maintain healthy organ function is to get the affected vertebrae adjusted by an experienced chiropractor. See the image below for the corresponding organs to each vertebral segment. Call us to schedule an appointment for a consultation and free exam
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