![]() Have you ever had difficulty sleeping? Ever burned your skin? Ever had a hard time settling down to relax? If the answer is yes, you might try essential oils. Essential oils have been around for 4000 years. You may already know that there are many references to essential oils in the Bible. When the magi visited baby Jesus, they brought frankincense, myrrh and gold; all of them gifts of high esteem. Frankincense makes a powerfully healing oil and so does myrrh. Many times the Bible also refers to the anointment of people with oil. When Mary Magdalene went to visit Jesus she poured perfume on his feet. Essential oils were the perfume of the day. For thousands of years humanity has relied on essential oils for healing. Much of the information of how ancient civilizations extracted the oils has been lost, but we know that the oils of that time were much more potent than the ones we have today because at that time, they did use pesticides, there was little pollution and they used mostly wild flowers. Although essential oils can be very powerful to heal, they can also have serious side effects if used improperly or without knowledge of the proper use of a specific formula. For example, if an essential oil helps to lower blood pressure and you already have low blood pressure then you might have an adverse reaction to the use of that oil. When using essential oils, it is important to know the indications and counter-indications of the formula you are using. The first rule of essential oils in our household is know yourself and your health conditions. Lavender is one of the safest oils to use on skin unless you are allergic to it. The benefits or lavender essential oil are: Helps with relaxation Stabilizes mood Helps induce sleep Heals skin burns Relieves pain Relieve respiratory problems Opens up sinuses Relieves headaches For each of these benefits it is also important to know HOW to use the oils. For example, for inducing sleep, you place one drop of lavender oil on the palm of each hand and on the ball each foot. If you want to use it to relieve a headache or respiratory problems, put one drop under the nose between the nostrils and above upper lip. One thing to beware of is using heat on the oils. Heating up the oils may change the molecular structure and they lose their healing benefits. If you do not want to use the oil right on your skin but want to use it as a room freshener, you can put a few drops of lavender oil in a spray bottle with water. If you have any questions please email us at [email protected] Click the Like button below.
Must watch if you are over 35If you have never heard of Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD) or if you are currently experiencing DJD, this video will shed some light on preventing it and reversing it. Click the Like button
Secret Ways to Guard Against the Flu![]() Every year, our family looks for new and effective ways to keep healthy through the flu season. Most years, we manage to get by with one or two of us getting sick for a week or so. Some years we were all sick. This year, we have managed to escape the bug (knock on wood). We did two things differently this year: 1. We did a detox before the holidays and after the holidays. 2. We started faithfully taking a supplement called Wellness Formula. My wife and I teach the three-year old class at church on Sundays for a few months out of the year. This year, all 16 precious children showed up with some symptom of illness on the first day of class. We can't help but hug and play with the adorable little creatures, so we needed something that would boost our immune system; that way even if we did catch a bug, symptoms might stay sub-clinical and our immune systems would kill the bugs right away. As soon as we were done teaching our first class of the year, we rushed to get a big bottle of Wellness Formula. Sure enough by the end of the day, both my wife and I were experiencing scratchy throats and foggy heads. We started on the Wellness Formula by taking three pills twice a day. So far, neither one of us has come down with the flu and we have managed to keep healthy. We'd like to say thank you to my wife's co-worker John for introducing us to the Wellness Formula. This formula is not for young children, pregnant women, women who are trying to become pregnant or women who are breast-feeding. It is not very often that we endorse products. We only recommend them if we are confident of their quality and effectiveness. Click here to see other products approved by Dr. Masoud. Click the Like button below.
![]() Nuestra comunidad Latina nos ha pedido que les traigamos este programa en español. Con mucho gusto les presentamos esta breve introducción a la limpia de tres semanas. Aqui encontrará instrucciones de como navegar este programa de nutricion exitosamente. Si tiene alguna pregunta o si se interesa en recibir el programa y recetario completo, por favor deje un comentario abajo ó mande un correo a [email protected] ¡A su salud! The connection between the blood and weight loss.![]() When we eat too many sugary foods or fatty foods, the excess cannot be metabolized by the body and they are stored instead of released. Most toxins in our body are fat-soluble; so the more fat we have in our body, the more places toxins have available to live. Fad diets that require a person to eat mostly proteins and no carbs or mostly carbs and no proteins are not only a failure for weight loss, but unhealthy as well because of the high consumption of animal products and refined sugar products that produce acidity in the blood. Acid blood can damage arterial walls and create imbalance in the blood so the blood begins to take calcium from bones creating osteoporosis. This is a process that happens over a long period of time so a person is not aware of the damage being done inside his/her body until the symptoms are very advanced. The keys to healthy weight release are: 1. Increase the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. 2. Decrease the consumption of animal products and products that contain any kind of sugar derivative. 3. Get a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise every day. It can be as simple as walking daily. 4. Increase the consumption of good fats that come from flax seed oil, avocados, seeds and nuts. 5. Use coconut oil for cooking rather than animal fat or other types of oil. ![]() For many of us, sitting for prolonged periods of time is a daily routine. Our jobs may require sitting behind a desk or the wheel for many hours at a time. We also may spend a considerable amount of time watching TV at home or spending more time at our home computers, sitting all the while. What we don't realize is that the inside of our bodies are being affected tremendously by our sitting posture, the amount of time we sit and the exercise we may or may not get. When we move, muscles pump blood to the brain which delivers oxygen. When we sit for a long time, brain function slows down. Straining your neck by craning it forward towards a keyboard or tilting it to hold a phone can lead to misalignments of the cervical vertebrae, which in turn cause pinched nerves, high blood pressure, headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain and upper back pain. Sitting for long periods of time daily puts a person at greater risk of developing herniated disks because when a person slouches, all of their body weight is being supported by their lower back. The organs are also affected by sitting. People with the most sedentary time are twice as likely to develop cardiovascular disease because muscles burn less fat and blood flows more slowly thus allowing fatty acids to easily clog the heart. Sedentary muscles don't respond to insulin as swiftly as active muscles. So when sitting, the pancreas is alerted to produce more insulin than truly necessary. A 2011 study found a decline in insulin response after just one day of prolonged sitting. We all know the saying, "if you don't use it, you lose it." With muscle tone this is ever so true. If the muscles are not moving they degenerate, so when you sit every day for 8-10 hours a day you will start to get mushy abs, inflexible hips, and limp glutes; all of which lead to serious spinal problems because of the loss of muscle tone and muscle imbalance. As we mentioned, blood flow slows way down when sitting; this causes poor circulation, in the legs particularly, leading to swollen ankles, varicose veins, and blood clots called deep vein thrombosis. When the body is not being challenged by weight-bearing activities, the bones become fragile and brittle thus leading to osteoporosis. So what can you do to keep your day job and still prevent back problems and deterioration of the body? 1. Get adjusted regularly by a chiropractor. Adjustments to the cervical vertebrae can bring balance, relieve headaches, lower blood pressure and maintain disc health. 2. Sit in a proper position while at a desk. In the 80's and 90's chiropractors used to recommend that we sit at a 90 degree angle and bring the monitor to eye level. Although this is better than hunching over, recent research shows that this is still not optimal. The best sitting position is at 135 degrees. If you sit back a bit on your chair you can accomplish this easily. In this manner, you weight is distributed more evenly throughout the spine. The back support of the chair takes some of the weight. Watch the video below for a demo. 3. Get regular spurts of exercise while on the job. Go for a short walk, try some yoga poses at your desk, sit on an exercise ball for part of your day instead of a chair. 4. Stretch your hip flexors by doing a few lunges a day. 2-3 minutes on each side. 5. If you are not already, get 30 minutes of cardio exercise 5-6 times a week. Call us to schedule an appointment to get posture and stretch coaching by our posture expert. Click the Like button below |
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