Facts on food safetyFood safety is a public health priority; millions of people fall ill every year and many die as a result of eating unsafe food. Serious outbreaks of food-borne disease have been documented on every continent in the past decade, and in many countries rates of illnesses are increasing significantly.If you are on this page before living Do yourself a big favor and watch these video links below .It will make a difference in your life.
What are the common misconceptions about prescription drug abuse?There's a reason that prescription drugs are intended to be taken under the direction of a doctor: if used improperly they can be dangerous. Teens are making the decision to abuse prescription medicines based on misinformation. In fact, many people think that abusing prescription drugs is safer than abusing illicit drugs such as heroin. As the facts will tell you, prescription drugs can have dangerous short- and long-term health consequences when used incorrectly or by someone other than for whom they were intended.
rel=”author”>Masoud Shamaeizadeh