Refer Pain due To Internal Organs
Spinal Pain could be different sources than the spine itself such as heart or lung problems. These are the type problem that must be Diagnose Quickly by detail history taking, physical examination and laboratory tests ; It must be referred to MD and treated immediately. However Clinical issues such as neck pain and organ dysfunction ,the lung Chanel dysfunction are explained by chiropractic science as Somato-somatic (aka somato-motor) Somato-visceral (aka somato-autonomic) that Can be understood as different combinations of communications (reflexes) between somatic structures (out side of Muscles)and visceralstructures (inside or organs): To Make these conceptes in layman's terms we could say
viscera-Somato subluxation pain or stess is pain that moves away from visceral structures where it originates and go to somatic structures . A good example is the pain radiates from the heart or lung into upper back or to shoulders. Inflammation, Organ dysfunction, and Stress Induced by viscera to Somato Is called viscera-Somato subluxation.
Somato-viscera subluxation pain or stress is pain that moves away from Somato structures where it originates and go to viscera structures . A good example is the pain radiates from the neck into head like Cervicogenic headaches ,eyes ,thyroid gland or sinuses. The muscle spasm or spinal misalignment that interferes with nervous system and lead to Organ dysfunction Induced by Somato to viscera Is called Somato- viscera-subluxation.
viscera-Somato subluxation pain or stess is pain that moves away from visceral structures where it originates and go to somatic structures . A good example is the pain radiates from the heart or lung into upper back or to shoulders. Inflammation, Organ dysfunction, and Stress Induced by viscera to Somato Is called viscera-Somato subluxation.
Somato-viscera subluxation pain or stress is pain that moves away from Somato structures where it originates and go to viscera structures . A good example is the pain radiates from the neck into head like Cervicogenic headaches ,eyes ,thyroid gland or sinuses. The muscle spasm or spinal misalignment that interferes with nervous system and lead to Organ dysfunction Induced by Somato to viscera Is called Somato- viscera-subluxation.
rel=”author”>Masoud Shamaeizadeh