The Simple Breathing Technique You'll Want to Learn and Teach Your FriendsBreathing is a vital sign measured at any physical exam. The normal range of breathing is 14-20 breaths per minute; anything outside of that range is cause for concern. When a person lives a sedentary lifestyle for an extended period of time, their body enters a vicious cycle where toxicity builds in the body and breathing becomes rapid and shallow. When the breath is shallow, cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) does not circulate properly. CSF is what carries glucose to the brain and carries away toxicity in the brain and spine. When the lungs expand through proper deep breathing, they press on the gastrointestinal organs, which in turn press on the sacrum which acts like a pump for cerebral spinal fluid. Breathing is also a major contributor to the movement of lymphatic fluid. The lymphatic system is essentially the sewer system of the body. The blood gathers all the toxicity from the body and dumps it into the lymphatic system. The circulation of the lymphatic system depends on muscle contraction and breathing. When a person breathes in a shallow manner, the lymphatic system is not working properly. The key to remedy this is to get 30 minutes of cardio exercise a day and to consciously breath deep into your belly. Try exhaling until your lungs are completely emptied out and then breath gently, but deeply in.
Once or twice a year, our family will take 21 days to do a cleansing detox that refreshes our bodies, renews our energies and heals many of the symptoms of toxicity we experience from consuming animal-based products, processed foods, meats, fast foods, caffeinated drinks and sugary treats. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you have some level of toxicity in your body. These symptoms are your body's way of crying out for help and healing. We invite you to call us for a consultation and to learn how you can experience relief and healing through a 21-day cleansing detoxification program.
For a free 20-minute phone consultation, email us at [email protected]. Send us your name, phone number where you can be reached and a choice of time for your consultation: Wednesday 2:00 PM PST or Saturday 8:00 AM PST or specify another time in your email. You will receive a confirmation email to set your appointment.
The skin is the largest eliminatory organ of our body. Our bodies release toxicity through our pores. Often times, the signs we see on our skin are indications of what is going on inside our bodies. It is customary to treat skin conditions from the outside with the use of topical lotions; however, a person can achieve longer lasting results by cleansing the inside of the body, particularly the large intestine and colon. When we consume foods that are inflammatory (i.e. animal products, processed foods, insecticide and pesticide-ridden fruits or vegetables) the inflammation may show up in the form of acne. As the toxins are being released via our skin, the result of an overload of toxicity are conditions like psoriasis and others similar. As a result of poor diet, the colon becomes impacted with fecal matter, impairing the intestines ability to properly absorb water, rendering the skin dry and devoid of moisture. For a free 20-minute phone consultation email us at [email protected]. Send us your name, phone number where you can be reached and a choice of time for your consultation: Wednesday 2:00 PM PST or Saturday 8:00 am PST or specify another time in your email. You will receive a confirmation email to set your appointment
Have you really taken the time to check the way you walk? Learning to walk with a good posture is tough. Most of us have no consciousnesses about coordination in our walking so we walk with bad posture; that can cause back pain. fatigue, stress on upper back muscles. How you walk reveals most everything about you. It can be a telling sign that you are in pain, your athletic adeptness, and health with respect to aging. Wouldn't it be awesome to discover that something about the way you walk is the tangible reason why you have pain, and that you can totally change it? Your walk involves certain body parts; those parts all collaborate together to produce your style of head carriage, shoulder position, arm swing, hip maneuver, knee movement, and the way you plant your foot. It's as natural as breathing, and you're at risk for structural pain if any of your body parts' (2 ankles, 2 knees, 2 hips) weight-bearing junction are just the tiniest bit off center, or crooked. The brain may increases from 30% to 70% of its adult size by age two. It’s this phenomenal growth of the brain that allows kids to balance themselves for those critical first few steps. The assumption is that learning to walk with good posture simply takes practice, like when we were kids and the more we practiced with good posture the more likely it lead to good postural habits. One way to find out if you are walking properly is to find a straight wall, stand with your back against the wall with your heels touching the wall, both shoulders and buttocks should be touching the wall as well, along with the back of your head. While you stand in this posture you should be able to put your arm between your low back and the wall. Be sure your chin is parallel to the floor. Once you have assumed this proper position, take a few walking steps forward and swing your arms slightly as you walk. After a few minutes of walking, go back to the wall and back into the wall until your heels touch it. Notice the difference in your body posture after your walk in comparison to your starting position. You might do this daily for a minimum of 30 days, twice a day until you master a proper position. For a free 20-minute phone consultation email us at [email protected]. Send us your name, phone number where you can be reached and a choice of time for your consultation: Wednesday 2:00 PM PST or Saturday 8:00 am PST or specify another time in your email. You will receive a confirmation email to set your appointment. Most parents, by and large, love to praise their children for their achievements, but did you know there is a right way and a wrong way to praise your kids? Read the two following sentences and see if they sound familiar to you. Wow, that's some great work! You're really smart! Wow, that's some great work! You must have worked really hard! You'll notice that the first sentence has more to do with the identity of the person being praised. It makes a statement about who they are. The second sentence has more to do with praising the person for their achievement. The difference between the two sentences is mindset - a fixed mindset vs. a growth mindset. Stanford Professor, Carol Dweck, discovered that people see intelligence as fixed, while others believe that intelligence can be developed; she calls this a growth mindset. She found that these mindsets lead to different behaviors and results. Professor Dweck conducted a study on the difference between 7th graders with a growth mindset and fixed mindset. The study shows that kids with a growth mindset increased their grades over time. Those with a fixed mindset did not and not only did they not get better grades, they got worse grades over a period of two years. To test your own mindset, click here. We also recommend Dr. Dweck’s book, Mindset. “I have always been deeply moved by outstanding achievement and saddened by wasted potential” -Carol Dweck By praising our children with a fixed mindset (i.e. calling them smart) we impair them from believing that it is OK to struggle to achieve something. We know that we all must struggle sometimes, to learn a new skill or to push our limits in a skill we already have. Dr. Dweck's study shows that children who believe that intelligence is fixed (i.e. "I am already smart") will walk away from challenges and are more likely to cover up poor performance. Being a student of yourself and learning how your personality can help you maintain self control is a powerful tool. We all have various personality traits that rise to the top in different contexts. The way we act at work or school may not be exactly the same as we act at home with our families. Can you think of a time that you exhibited self control? Where were you? What was the circumstance? What did you see? What did you hear? Who were you with? How did you feel? When exactly did you exercise your power of choice? Analyze this scenario well. You can now recreate that persona who has the ability to control self every time you are about to enter a situation where you might be tempted to abandon your healthy habits. By going back in your mind to that version of you, you can have self control at your beck and call. I have observed that when I abandon my self control, I assume the personality of a young child; someone who is funny and silly. So whenever I feel that personality rising in me, it’s a red flag that I am in danger of compromising my healthy eating, my wellness mindset or my exercise routine. We all have a mindset that works best for us when tackling challenges like releasing old habits and creating new ones. Study your own behavior and habits and find which mindset works best for you. Is it the mindset of a teacher who wants to share information? Is it the mindset of a problem-solver who is looking for a solution? Is it the mindset of an ________? You fill in the blank. You already have the answer inside of you. For a free 20-minute phone consultation email us at [email protected]. Send us your name, phone number where you can be reached and a choice of time for your consultation: Wednesday 2:00 PM PST or Saturday 8:00 am PST or specify another time in your email. You will receive a confirmation email to set your appointment.
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