Her Quest to Awaken the Healing Parts of her Body I highly recommend The Last Best Cure to anyone who suffers from chronic disease. Jackson Nakasawa addresses the issue of emotional stress and its effects on health in great length. I particularly like that she backs up her book with loads of facts, research and interviews. There is a lot of helpful and practical information.
My least favorite feature is the author's use of lengthy stories; that's just a personal preference. In the chiropractic profession we have known about the relationship between emotional stress and health since 1895. Emotional stress puts a big demand on the muscles, spinal joints and the nervous system. We experience emotional stress when we are waiting in a long line, sitting in traffic jams or have unresolved relationship problems. The tension builds up in our muscles and joints; if it is neglected or uncorrected for a long time, it will eventually lead to anxiety attacks, high and low blood pressure, headaches, and spinal pain. Why Consult a Chiropractor or an Acupuncturist? Chiropractors are rigorously trained to diagnose the different types of muscle disorders due to emotional trauma and to then recommend specific treatment approaches for those conditions. Acupuncture is very effective for emotional relief with no side effects.. Also, watch the video at the end to listen to Dr. Masoud talk about the importance of releasing emotional stress. Click the Like button below
Many of us are already aware that whenever we take antibiotics or we consistently eat processed foods, the balance of our gut flora is disrupted, leading to all sorts of digestive problems and other diseases. Animal based yogurts that may be helpful for restoring balance are also inflammatory, not to mention filled with hormones and traces of antibiotics given to the animals it came from. Watch the video below for a simple, vegan and delicious way to restore gut flora with a home made cashew cheese. Also, watch the video at the end to listen to Dr. Mercola talk about the importance of eating fermented foods. Click the Like button below Why Meditation is so effective tool for healing?Here at Soft Touch Chiropractic, in Northridge, California we realize the importance of good nutrition, meditation, stress management and how it impacts your healing process. "Instead, by applying close mindfulness to the body, feelings mental events, and all phenomena, we observe with increasing clarity how these things actually are: illusory, unreal, and mere designations in conventional speech. Seeing the extent of suffering in the world, we cease clinging to the body as the true source of our existence, Seeing the misunderstandings that cause the world’s suffering, we stop craving feelings as the true source of our happiness. Seeing that suffering can actually be extinguished, we release our grasping on to mental events as the true source of our identity. And seeing the actual nature of reality, we abandon an the entities habitually designated upon subjective and objective appearances as the true source of our experience. The Buddha declared chat mental afflictions, such as lust, anger, and delusion, arc not inherent in our nature. He likened them to a pile of dirt in the middle of a crossroads, which represents our sensory and mental processes. Pour chariots enter this intersection from four directions, representing mindfulness directed toward the body feelings, mental states, and all phenomena, and they thoroughly disperse the pile of dirt.. When the mental afflictions are overcome, our true nature—which was merely obscured by these habitual misunderstandings—shines Froth with unlimited benefit for ourselves and all beings." By B. Alan Wallace The video is “A Scientific Study of the Effects of Intensive Meditation Practice.” Dr Baljinder Sahdra explains shamatha to be calm abiding. they explains the experimental setup of the Shamatha Project looking at the effects of meditation practice. They measure a range of physiological measures. She shows the logistics setup at the retreat site and the practices done by the participants. Meditation practices include mindfulness of breathing, focusing on the flux of mental phenomena, and awareness of awareness as well as practices to open the heart: love, compassion, joy and equanimity. Click the LIke button below.
Important Nutrition Facts to Know for After a Car Accident That Your Doctor Will Not Tell YouHere at Soft Touch Chiropractic, in Northridge, California we realize the importance of good nutrition and how it impacts a person after a car accident. Injuries sustained in a car accident will cause inflammation in the body because that is part of the healing process, but too much inflammation can cause serious damage to tissues and organs such as heart, liver and lungs, so it is important to keep the body as free as possible of inflammation so it can begin its healing process. Here is a list at foods to avoid immediately after an accident: all wheat products, dairy products, potatoes. tomatoes, corn, sugar, citrus fruits, pork, commercial (non-organic) eggs, shellfish, peanuts and peanut butter, coffee, alcohol, juice, caffeinated teas, soda, anything containing hydrogenated oils, processed foods, anything containing processed sugar and fried foods. These foods increase inflammation in the body. For example tomatoes and potatoes, which are part of the solanaceae or nightshade family of vegetables, are known to cause inflammation. Tomatoes and potatoes should definitely be avoided by anyone with arthritis of any kind. We highly recommend that a person who has just been in a car accident consume anti-inflammatory foods such as: flax seed oil, flax seeds, cold-pressed coconut oil, dark leafy green vegetables, raw and soaked nuts, beets, turmeric, wild-caught salmon or trout, garlic and onion. These foods are not only anti-inflammatory, they contain high levels of nutrients that will nourish the body and will help it recover at a faster rate. Foods that contain high levels of vitamins B and C are also highly beneficial in the repair of damaged tissue. The best source of vitamin B is dark green, leafy vegetables. Foods high in vitamin C should be non-citrus. Some sources are: cantaloupe, dates, red bell peppers, kale, broccoli and papaya. The foods a person eats after a car accident will make a difference in the length of time it will take for the body to recover. Click the LIke button below.
Littte deed are like little seed, they grow to flowers or to weeds
D. D. Palmer Daniel David Palmer or D.D. Palmer (March 7, 1845 – October 20, 1913) was the founder of chiropractic. Palmer was born in Pickering, Ontario and raised in the southern Ontario area, where he received his education. In 1865 Palmer moved to the United States, and around 1880 took up magnetic healing in Davenport, Iowa. After returning to Davenport, in 1895 Palmer met Harvey Lillard, a janitor whose hearing was impaired. Palmer claimed the man's hearing was restored after manipulating his spine Overcoming the Trauma of Your Motor Vehicle Accident with Chiropractic and Acupuncture.There is a high likelihood that injured motor vehicle accident survivors will have two co-morbid conditions: travel anxiety and depressive disorder. We believe that there should be initial and ongoing assessment of these two conditions during treatment. The good news from our research is that there is a high likelihood of improvement of’ depression and travel anxiety with our chiropractic and acupuncture care program for Post traumatic Stress Disorder or motor vehicle accident. It is very common for individuals to have difficulty with travel behavior after an motor vehicle accident. Between 72% and 93% of those who have been in a serious motor vehicle accident will have psychological difficulty when they are either a passenger or a driver in an automobile following their motor vehicle accident. Clinical depression is a common co-morbid condition that frequently accompanies or Acute Stress Disorder ;fallowing an motor vehicle accident. About 53% of the people in some study who had Post traumatic Stress Disorder also had major depression. Why Consult a Chiropractor or an Acupuncturist? Chiropractors are rigorously trained to diagnose the different types of muscle disorder due to emotional trauma and to then recommend specific treatment approaches for those conditions. Acupuncture is very effective for emotional relief, with no side effect.. How to Make Raw Vegan Bread - No Baking NeededDid I already tell you about the time my family and I went for two years eating only raw, vegan food? Well, during that time we experimented with a bunch of recipes to satisfy our cravings for cooked, non-vegan foods. This recipe is one of those we keep making because we love how versatile this bread is. I must warn you, the end product of this recipe is not at all like Wonder bread. It's more like a crepe that you can use for spreading nut butters, honey or you can use as a wrap for stuffing with yummy veggies. Give it a go and let us know how you like it. If you do not own a dehydrator, you can get a small inexpensive one online or at Costco. Smaller dehydrators do the job just the same as the one shown in this video. Click on the Like button below I am compelled to share this because I have had patients who waited weeks to see a chiropractor after they were in a car accident. Unbeknownst to them, the damage their bodies suffered was aggravated by the delay in caring for their injuries. Here are three reasons why you should see a chiropractor after an accident even if you feel fine. Click on the video below to watch 1. Damage to the soft tissue will not always show up in an x-ray. 2. Although you might feel fine after the accident, the pain will show up days or maybe even weeks later. It is easier to treat an injury right after it has happened than weeks later after the pain has set in and the condition has become chronic. 3. Medication does not repair the physical damage to the soft tissue. Click the Like button below. In between chiropractic adjustments, there are some things a person can do help relieve back pain. One effective strategy is to try a cat exercise. Click below to watch the video. This stretch is designed to create movement in your lower back joints and muscles. Please consult your chiropractor before attempting any physical exercise, especially if you are currently being treated for a chronic condition. Click the Like button below. |
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